Using the Library
To find information on library loan periods, overdue fines, and more see the library's information guide (pdf) or the guía de información (pdf) for a spanish translation. For locations of library collections and resources please see the library map (pdf).
March 2025 (pdf)
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Mission Statement, Vision, and Values Statement
Visit the Mission Statement, Vision, and Values Statement page for the library's statements.
Library Staff
Lauren White, Director
Meagan Statz, Assistant Director
Bethany Hultgren, Youth Services Librarian
Caitlin Beebe, Circulation Supervisor
Charlene Bauman, Library Clerk
Heather Cole, Bilingual Library Aide
June Beebe
Kris Crary
Heather Haas
Linda Meyer
Dakota Tobias
Library Board
Laura Lang, President
Jessa Kinnamon, Vice President
Jeff Virchow, Secretary
Chris Bender, Treasurer
Stacy Breunig, School District Representative
Sue Lloyd
Jim Witecha, Village Board Representative
The Library Board meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Agendas are posted on the Village of Prairie du Sac website's meeting calendar.
Library History
The library has been serving the community since October 1900. A rich history of philanthropy and volunteerism has been fundamental in the library's service to the community over the years and growth to what it is today. Read more about the library's history.
Visit the policies page for the library's policies on appropriate library behavior, electronic resource acceptable use, and refunds.