Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Ruth Culver Community Library is a vibrant non-profit organization dedicated to enriching the library and its services to the community. 

The purpose of the Friends is to:

  • Promote and improve library services, materials and facilities for the Prairie du Sac community
  • Stimulate gifts and bequests to the library
  • Provide volunteer support in strengthening the library’s program
  • Encourage the broadest possible use of its facilities, materials and services. 

Our current annual fundraising events include a golf outing and book sales.  Proceeds from gifts and fundraising efforts are used to enhance the library and its services in accordance with our purpose.  As an organization, we took an active role in providing financial support for the library’s building projects in both 2012 and 1997 by holding capital campaigns.

Over the past five years, we have made significant contributions to enhance the library building, collection and programs.  Recent building enhancements made possible by the Friends have included an audiovisual system and microphones for the community room, tables, chairs, digital signs, end panel signs and much more!  We have donated funds to expand the library’s books on CD collection and also supported the library’s Lucky Day books and movie collections.  Program support included sponsorship of programs for adults and the summer reading program.

For more information about recent and upcoming activities, you can also read our newsletters:

Membership Information

You can make a difference by becoming a new member or renewing your commitment to the Friends of the Ruth Culver Community Library.  We value your membership and appreciate financial gifts of any amount.  There are a multitude of ways you can make an impact.  The Friends are looking for members to take leadership roles including serving on the Friends Board (6 meetings per year), helping with fundraisers, working on publicity, volunteering at an event or program, and more. 

Membership forms (pdf) are available in the Friends brochure (pdf).  The Friends of the Ruth Culver Community Library is a 501(c)(3) organization.

You can join the Friends of the Ruth Culver Community Library for the year at the following membership levels:

  • Individual Friend $5
  • Family Friend $10
  • Business Friend $25
  • Lifetime Friend $100

More information on the Friends of the Ruth Culver Community Library, Inc. is available by contacting Meagan Statz at (608) 643-8318.

Friends of the Library Donation Form

You can help the growth of library service in the community by making a tax deductible donation to the Friends of the Ruth Culver Community Library.  Donations may be made via PayPal for to donate by credit card.  You can also remember or honor a loved one with your gift; please be sure to include your honoree's information.   Please contact Lauren White at 608-643-8318 with any questions.



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