Summer Reading has ended for 2024. We'll challenge you again next summer!
This summer the Ruth Culver Community Library encourages EVERYONE to participate in our summer reading challenges! All you have to do is read whatever, wherever and whenever you like! ANY reading counts.
Children's Challenge
Join the adventure at your library by picking up a logging sheet in person. Fill out the registration portion and follow the instructions on the back of the map to set your reading goal and log your reading. You can bring the map in as soon as you reach the first X or finish the sheet before bringing it in. Each X on the logging map will mark a small prize for your reader and an entry into the Grand Prize Drawings that will happen in July and August! Upon completion, the reader can receive a free book and the option to continue reading for more chances in the Grand Prize Drawings.
Teen Challenge
New this year: set your own reading goal! Sign-up at the library or register online, get your challenge bookmark, decide your goal, and start reading! You’ll earn a $5 Culver’s gift card when you reach the halfway point, and any book of your choice when you reach your goal. At each milestone, you’ll also earn an entry into the grand prize drawing for a $50 Visa gift card.
Adult Challenge
New this year: set your own reading goal! Sign-up at the library or register online, get your challenge bookmark, decide your goal, and start reading! You’ll earn an entry into the grand prize drawing for one of three $50 Chamber gift certificates when you've reached your halfway point and a second entry when you reach your goal. As a bonus, choose a free reading journal just for signing up!
Summer Events
We have a full summer of events for all ages! This includes performers for children every Monday from June 10 through July 15, Teen Tuesdays every week from June 11 through August 20, Storytimes, Bouncing Babies, Pokémon Club and more! Visit our calendar at https://ruthculver.librarycalendar.com for a complete schedule and registration.
Summer Sponsors
Thank you to all our generous sponsors for making our summer reading challenges possible!
Animal House
Disorderly Conduct
Friends of the Ruth Culver Community Library
Prairie Raised Beef
Riviera Bowl and Pizzeria
Sauk Prairie Optimists